Words of Wisdom

More inspirational articles are available at https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/author/judylemon/



A Gift That Made Cents

A Gift That Made Cents

No, that is not a spelling error or a typo. I went into the post office this morning to send a registered international letter. Tucking a $20 bill into my waist pack, I set out on foot to take advantage of the lovely morning. Confident that this amount would easily...

Live for This Moment

I write this in sorrow, having lost a dear friend of mine to cancer last night. She was the second one this year, and that's two too many. I am very grateful that I was able to be there with her and her family for her last two days and that she was able to pass out of...

God Would Say…

Like many others I encounter who follow the shamanic path, I was raised to follow a formal mainstream religion. I am grateful to my parents for doing this as it allowed me to believe in something greater than myself. However, as time went by I grew away from the...

Cancel My Subscription

There's a billboard in front of a hotel's meeting rooms facility that is just off one of the main freeways in San Diego. They always have clever, attention grabbing sayings. Given how we seem to be living in a world where people have ever thinner skin and shorter...

The Power of Signs

The Power of Signs

One aspect of shamanism that can be used by anyone is that of signs and omens. I see many clients who come for healing or counseling sessions who want advice on how to improve their lives. While at times they do receive their answers in the session, as often as not...

Ditch the shoulds

Many people go through life with preconceived ideas of how life should be. These ideas come from all around us: parents, families, friends, society, and culture.  They are not all bad, and in fact they can be strong guiding forces when we need a beacon to guide...

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